A fully functional laundry room is extremely important for a busy well running household. When the washing machine fails, the laundry doesn’t stop piling up and dealing with alternatives while you wait for a repair is costly, time consuming and downright tedious. The experts at 858Appliance know how to keep your laundry appliances operating in top condition, efficiently and effectively year round. In addition to regular servicing of these appliances, we are well versed in the diagnosis and repair of all types of laundry machine problems including:
Washing machines that won’t spin, make loud noises, won’t agitate, won’t drain, are vibrating or shaking, filling too slowly or leaking water; Dryers that are inefficient, take too long to dry, have bad fuses, temperature switches, thermostats, heating coils, broken belts or rollers; Dryer vents that clogged, broken or sealed ineffectively.
Whether you have a front loading washing machine or a top loading machine we can help with everything from the most common issues to the most complex. We can keep your clothes dryer in motion and prevent cycles that are too hot or too cold that could be damaging your clothes. Keeping your dryer vent operating properly is one of the easiest ways to avoid household fires. If you notice longer running times or an increase in your energy bill consider having one of our experts check that your laundry room is operating in peak condition. Learn more about 858Appliances here. And call us right away!